Oliver Hanraths
Information Professional, Web Developer, Free Software Prosumer.

- eMail: olli @ …
- @olli:suruatoel.xyz
- olli@cloud.suruatoel.xyz
- git.suruatoel.xyz/coderkun
- gitlab.com/coderkun
- github.com/coderkun
- suruatoel@social.tchncs.de
- 6C059AB83ABFBCF1
Public Codes
A selection of some of my public, free software projects:
For additional codes, please see my Gitea instance and my GitLab and GitHub profiles.
Arch Linux Repositories
At suruatoel.xyz/arch I offer unofficial Arch Linux repositories with packages from the AUR.
Following a list of my recently published articles:
Conferences and Events
A selection of cenferences and events I attended in the past few years:
- Rectangles 2023 (Cork, Ireland)
- Informationswissenschaft im Wandel. Wissenschaftliche Tagung 2022 (Düsseldorf, Germany)
- Coding da Vinci Nieder.Rhein.Land 2021 (Düsseldorf, Germany)
- Collective Imagination 2019 (Dublin, Ireland)
- Exponatec 2019 (Cologne, Germany)
- Sonoj 2018 (Cologne, Germany)
- Collective Imagination 2017 (Los Angeles, United States)
- Sonoj 2017 (Cologne, Germany)
- Exponatec 2017 (Cologne, Germany)
- Hawaii International Conference On System Sciences (HICSS) 2016 (Kauaʻi, United States)
- CIDOC Annual Conference 2014 (Dresden, Germany)
- Collective Imagination 2014 (Vienna, Austria)
- museums and the internet 2014 (Saarbrücken, Germany)
A (short) list of my scientific publications:
Hanraths, O., Wintermeyer, A., & Knautz, K. (2016). Questlab: A Web-Framework for Gamification of Seminars. In Proceedings of the 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (pp. 847-856). Washington, DC: IEEE Computer Society Press.
DOI: 10.1109/HICSS.2016.109 -
Heck, T., Hanraths, O., & Stock, W. G. (2011). Expert recommendation for knowledge management in academia. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, New Orleans, October 9 – 13, 2011.
DOI: 10.1002/meet.2011.14504801365
I offer consulting for Knowledge Management, Knowledge Organisation Systems, Controlled Vocabularies and web development. With deep knowledge of HTML5, RDF, RDFa/Microdata and generic XML I guide you from the frontend level down to the backend development with PHP, Java, Python and C while keeping a strong focus on documentation. People like to work with me because of my structural approach and clear communication.